How To: Configure a 3D camera rig with the proper interaxial distance and parameters

Configure a 3D camera rig with the proper interaxial distance and parameters

3D video capture isn't just for the Hollywood film makers, but it does take a bit of knowledge to set-up and configure. In this two part video series, the guide provides you with tips and information that will help you learn how to use your 3D camera rig and correctly adjust your parameters.

If you don't have a 3D rig, find out how to build one in the first part of the series, located here.

The walkthrough takes you through configuring the stereo base, focal length, sensor size, nearest object, interaxial distance, and more.

(1) Part 1 of 2 - How to Configure a 3D camera rig with the proper interaxial distance and parameters, (2) Part 2 of 2 - How to Configure a 3D camera rig with the proper interaxial distance and parameters

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